Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ethnic Conflicts in Nigeria - 629 Words

The military elites made the situation even worse by staging coups and making a mockery of democracy in Nigeria. The military era was marked by corruption, ineptitude and confusion. It drove Nigeria into many problems including economic problems, poverty, and ethno-religious conflicts until the 1990s. The military continued intervening because they believed the civilian leaders were inept and indecisive. Ethnic conflicts continued to escalate through the democratic transition in Nigeria, as various ethnic groups demanded political restructuring. The federal structure has developed deep cracks and demands urgent action to fix it. What is most worrisome in Nigeria is the religious dimension of ethnic conflict and competition for power and oil wealth. The numerous ethno-religious conflicts that the northern cities of Kaduna, Kano, Jos and Zamfara have witnessed, came about from the introduction of Muslim Sharia courts, in addition to the Souths demands for autonomy. The continuing conflict is a sign Nigeria’s lack of effective mechanisms to manage ethnic conflicts. The intense ethnic conflicts that rocked Nigeria and South Africa have pushed them to develop constitutionally backed institutions for conflict management. In South Africa, the state has prevented further conflicts by developing multiple democratic approaches to create a foundation for peace and security. The new constitution crafted an impressive document aimed to heal the wounds of the past and to build aShow MoreRelatedNigeria: Ethnic Conflict Essay916 Words   |  4 PagesEthnicity is how individuals perceive themselves, and unlike race it can be changed. There are countries in which there are several different types of ethnic groups, and in some cases that could lead to conflict within a country, but as research will show it is not the only cause, and in some cases the conflict was purposely organized. 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