Friday, February 28, 2020

The British Sport Horse Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The British Sport Horse Industry - Essay Example The most important breakthrough in the thoroughbred industry was the commercialisation of horse breeding and the achievements of UK in international events. Local breeders were provided with avenues to improve on their crafts and continuously evolve equestrian in UK. In addition, the local breeders were given the autonomy to compete with the foreign breeders. The equine industry has several potentials including revenues for the government and ordinary individuals. Indeed, these developments are critical in the decision of investing on horse breeding. Definitely, breeding horses provide opportunities for investors to create local breeding fences that will house majority of the horses used for different purposes. The next discussions will assess the market for equestrian and the processes that have to be considered before entering to such venture. Also, other aspects that impact the proposed investment will be analysed. In the 1970s to the early 1890s, horses were principally imported and used for military purposes. The number of horses was less that 200,000 and valued currently at approximately 250 million Sterling Pounds. Because of the excessive cost, the government during that period suggested local breeding of horses. After the controversy in the British Equestrian industry, the government decided to create a new institution to manage the development of thoroughbreds used for equestrian. It is important for the country to improve its methods in breeding horses. (SHBGB, 2006) The government created the program involving the Ministry of Agriculture and War Office offered premiums to breeders. The project continued since the individuals from the military supported the financial necessities of the project. The project, however, was stalled when UK was involved in the Second World War. After the war, the project was backed first by the Totalisator Boards, and subsequently by the HBLB. The project became more independent and decided to stop the financial backing in support to its own operations. It was the start of a new era in the UK equine industry. (SHBGB, 2006) Through the years, the demand for horses has increased as equestrian and other events have become prominent. Selective breeding has been emphasised among local breeders. The focus of breeding shifted to quality and the promotion of competition. Consequently, the Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain was established to regulate the industry. The committee determined the horses to be used in specific events such as equestrian. 1.2. The Current Situation The Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain (SHBGB) is composed of professional with direct and indirect interest to horse breeding. SHBGB members select a council that will lead the society. Out of the 3,500 members, 15 will be selected as the representative of the society. To further expedite its functions, SHBGB divided the institutions into three sub-committees. These committees include: the Brood Mare Committee, the Stallion Committee, and the Show Committee. The sub-committees have tasks to perform to ensure that local bred horses are superior and perform beyond expectations. (SHBGB, 2006) Holistically, the purpose of SHBGB is to maintain the stud books. Moreover, SHBGB is tasked to disseminate information on the achievements of the British bred

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Analysis of Final Solution File by Stargardt Assignment

Analysis of Final Solution File by Stargardt - Assignment Example The next issue and the most important one is the final solution. These final solutions are the events that marked the end of the battle. It is ironical to call these events a final solution when they were catastrophic to the target. The final solution resulted in the death of about five million Jews including women and children. The historical explanations for why the Holocaust happened are wide and varied. Many different historians have stacked different claims and explanations for the motivation of the Germans to kill the Jews. The events happened during the World War II and the Nazi regime had blamed the Jews for their defeat in the World War I. One of the key factors that led to the extermination was Hitler’s personal anti-Semitism. The hatred brewed in Hitler and he received pseudo-scientific notions of biological racism in prewar and blamed the defeat on the Jews. Prior to the Holocaust, Hitler is recorded as declaring an annihilation of the Jews in Europe if the â€Å"international Jewish financiers should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war† (Stargardt, 2001). The actions of the Nazi regime were also an indication of the virulence of its anti-Semitism. In all these ideologies, Hitler is the central actor who plotted the killing of the Jews from the onset. The second explanation is a contrast to the first one and blames the way the Nazi state worked for the Holocaust. The functioning of the state was characteristic of giving an opportunity for local initiatives and autonomous decisions from the local level. This situation was enhanced by the blurring of institutional demarcations lines and the decentralization in the country. Further, the bureaucratic competition played a hand in aggravating the animosity that was proffered against the Jews.