Friday, January 31, 2020

Islam and Europe Essay Example for Free

Islam and Europe Essay In modern day Europe, people fail to see the many impacts Islam has had on one of the most powerful continents in the western world. To see these impacts, we have to go back in history, from about 1000 C.E. to 1750 C.E. The impacts made by the Islamic world during this time have shaped Europe to the power house it is now. Most of the political impact Islam made on Europe happened during the Crusades. The Crusades began in 1095 when Pope Urban II called for the nations in Europe in unite for one cause. Before Pope Urban’s calling, Europe was divided into civil wars, but he had called for a union. The Crusades were directed towards Muslims, concentrating on the city of Jerusalem. The Crusades brought power and recognition to the pope but as the Crusades became less successful, the pope lost this power and popularity. The Crusades also brought more power to the kings. Prior to the Crusades, the kings had little power because most of the land was owned by rich aristocrats who owned small armies. During battle, these aristocrats were killed without picking an heir. Because of the lack of an heir these aristocrats had, the land was given to the king, thus giving the kings more power. Trade brought to the Christian world by the Islamic world boosted Europe’s economy greatly. Before the Crusades, trade in Europe was almost nonexistent, causing a negative impact on its economy. The Crusades, however, created a large influx of Muslim goods and luxuries. Want for these goods became very apparent with the rich giving the merchants the idea to create trade with the Islamic world. Preceding the 12th century, much of the Islamic and European trade was one sided, Islam exporting to Europe. However, during the 12th century, the major Islamic trading hub, Andalusia, helped Europe expand its exportation. Also, Muslims introduced and banking and credit system into Europe. The cultural effect Islam had on Europe was very substantial considering the technological advancements made by the Islamic world at the time. Before 1400, the only schooling facilities in Europe were monasteries. The development of universities came to Europe when European scholars discovered  Muslim translation of long-lost Greek and Roman scholarship. Not only did Islam help establish schooling in Europe but it also gave new technology to the Europeans. For example in mathematics. Prior to the Islamic influence, Europeans used cumbersome roman numerals. After 1150, the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was introduced to Europe. Arabic nummerals, with an additional character for zero, gradually became standard, aiding in the development of math. They also made advancements in medicine. The European way to treat infectious disease was based on superstition. After the 1300’s, medicinal knowledge developed on medical schools based on the Arabic medical encyclopedia. These advances paved the way for modern practices. These impacts made in Europe by Islam also had an effect globally. Without the development of kings gaining more power, our government today would be completely different, as well as our social classes. This medieval trade to Europe from the Islamic world comes to today with the oil trade. The mathematical advancements made by Arabic Empires gave us our modern understanding of all types of math; same with medicine. These effects did not only impact Europe but the entire world, modern and historical.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Important Factors In A Romantic Relationship :: essays research papers

Important Factors in a Romantic Relationship Why get involved in a romantic relationship? What benefits do they have? People commonly ask these questions when faced with the decision of getting involved with someone. Romantic relationships provide comradery, courtship, and love. All of these contribute to building a lasting bond between two people. Friendship is the foundation, courtship preserves the romance, and love makes it last. Friendship is often the basis of romantic relationships. The comradery brings two people closer together. A romantic partner is someone in whom to confide, and with whom to share great problems. He is there to console and comfort in hours of need. He gives his friendship unconditionally as a foundation in the relationship. Friendship takes love and kindness, as do romantic relationships. When a couple starts out as friends, they build a stronger alliance. This is why romance usually starts with friendship. Courtship is very important in romantic relationships. Amorous companions need to feel wanted and appreciated. Courtship keeps the romance in a relationship. It helps one lover show the other how he feels. "Show your love with flowers " is frequently used in the flower industry to get people to buy flowers. Buying flowers shows one's affection. Holidays such as Valentine's Day emphasize the need to show that special someone how admired they really are. Courtship allows people to continuously grow closer and learn new things about each other. Whether it is giving a sweetheart a dozen roses, or an "I love you" now and then, courtship is what keeps the flame alive between romantic partners. Love binds all romantic relationships. Without love they would not exist. George Hebert shows the benefits of love in relationships in this quotation that states "Love makes all hard hearts gentle." This quote expresses how a cold person coming into a relationship can be softened by love. Having a romantic partner gives a person a sense of reassurance, self-esteem, and love for himself. Love enhances the lives of both partners in the relationship. For example, when two people are in love, their emotions are at an ultimate high.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Compensation is an important motivator when looking to achieve desired organizational results. Money is thought of s a powerful motivator, however that only holds for sometime until the next pay increase is due. Compensation strategies reinforce the organizational culture that you desire, this enables the culture where pay is linked to performance. To ensure this process works, it must be reflected in the strategic business objectives. The objectives must clearly be defined, must be communicated as soon as decision has been reached.By doing this proper, the organization can motivate employees and make them want to perform better. CONTENT An incentive plan is defined as a formal scheme used to promote or encourage specific actions or behavior by a specific group of people during a defined period of time. So what are the reasons so many companies would find a need to offer such incentive plans? Some of the top reasons are, for motivation, company morale, company loyalty, increased prod uctivity, increase achievement, reduced absenteeism, reduce company cost, decreased turnover and to create more team work.The organization I am employees with created for both union and non- urn employees an incentive compensation plan. When developing this plan it was to focus on two major points, safety and waste reduction. It was then also decided that a third element would also be counted, improved productivity. In order to receive the incentive there were requirements; you need to be a full time Compensation-Bemires 3 employee, employed for the last three (3) consecutive months and be actively employed at the time of payout, which was quarterly.There are also goals that need to be reached in order to collect the incentive for that portion of the goals. The safety component is that the TRIP (total recordable incident rate) needs to be low. Following the guidelines as noted: Greater than 1. 50 payout was O 01 -? 1. 50 payout is 1% of quarterly wages less than 1. 01 payout is 2% o f quarterly wages As a company this component is important because the safety of the employees is and will always be the most important thing to the company. Their safety should come first not only to Bemires but also to the employees.It was after looking at these aspects that a separate incentive plan needs to be created just for the non-union/salary employees. The SHIP (salaried performance incentive plan) needs to be created for salary personnel of the Bemires Company. It is intended to provide an incentive for employees to perform their jobs at the highest level possible to facilitate achievement of division and Compensation-Bemires 5 the plant goals, contributing to overall profitability.This plan was designed to reward individuals with additional annual cash compensation in recognition of their individual and collective efforts to meet or exceed annual goals. Unlike a merit increase which is an increase to your salary based on demonstrated ability to meet job responsibilities over an extended period Of time, incentive award is based on annual performance, targeting specific areas which may change from year to year. Employees must be regular full time employees, must be active employees t time of distribution.Eligibility does not necessarily entitle a participant to an award and does not constitute an agreement with the company. In making the requirements for this SHIP incentive it will depend on many factors which include, the individual base salary earnings for the eligibility period, normal reward percent, performance rating given by employees superiors, all targets/measurements are meet, and funding scale. The following are the factors to determine each of these. Base salary earnings: amount of pay a participant received throughout the plan year in eligible base earnings excluding all other forms of compensation.Normal award percent: each participant is assigned a normal award percent for his/her position; employees will be notified of this percentage . Normal award: is the base dollar amount of incentive eligible to the participant, it is then impacted up or down by individual performance rating and the results Of the profit and other targets set for the plan year. Individual performance rating (l PR): this will be given by the supervisor and can range from . 500 up to 1 250, the PR should correlate to the overall performance of the Compensation-Bemires 6 employee based on their yearly appraisal.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Qué información tienen en control migratorio de USA

Mediante el sistema TECS, los oficiales en los controles migratorios  tienen acceso a una gran informacià ³n sobre los extranjeros que desean ingresar a Estados Unidos.   Pero,  ¿quà © tipo de informacià ³n contiene TECS?  ¿Quà © problemas pueden surgir?    ¿Quà © es el sistema TECS de informacià ³n en control migratoriode USA? TECS es una plataforma informà ¡tica gestionada por la Policà ­a de Control de Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que es parte del Departamento de Seguridad Internet (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En realidad es un sistema de sistemas donde diversas agencias ingresan informacià ³n para que los oficiales de la CBP puedan verificarla respecto a cada extranjero que quiere internarse en el paà ­s. Entre las agencias que suministran informacià ³n a destacan: El FBILas embajadas y consulados americanosLas cortes de JusticiaEl IRS, que es la agencia tributaria de Estados UnidosLas policà ­as locales y estatales.  ¿Quà © sistemas operan dentro de TECS y cà ³mo afectan en la prà ¡ctica a los viajeros? US-VISIT. Al llegar a la aduana americana, se le toma una foto y las huellas dactilares a la mayorà ­a de los extranjeros. Este sistema permite compararlas con las dadas en el momento de solicitar la visa en consulado o embajada. Asà ­, se impide que una persona utilice el pasaporte de otra para intentar ingresar a Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n sirve para evitar que los extranjeros con dos pasaportes intenten utilizar uno de ellos cuando se les ha denegado la visa americana con el otro. Por ejemplo, un venezolano que tambià ©n es espaà ±ol. Si solicità ³ el visado como venezolano y la solicitud le fue rechazada, luego no puede pretender ingresar con el espaà ±ol, aprovechando que a los ciudadanos de Espaà ±a no se les pide visa para visitas de turismo. Con US-VISIT el oficial de aduanas se da cuenta de que està ¡ ante una persona con la visa denegada y posiblemente le impida internarse en el paà ­s. APIS. Es el sistema por el que las aerolà ­neas comunican a las autoridades americanas que un extranjero ha comprado un boleto de avià ³n y pretende viajar hacia Estados Unidos. Entre la informacià ³n que transmiten se encuentra: nombre, apellidos, fecha de nacimiento, gà ©nero y lugar de expedicià ³n del pasaporte. Las aerolà ­neas tambià ©n colaboran comunicando cuando un extranjero embarca en uno de sus aviones cuando sale de Estados Unidos, con lo que la CBP puede saber inmediatamente si ha excedido la estancia autorizada. Recuerda que si no sales a tiempo, asà ­ sea por unas pocas horas, la visa se cancela y los del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas ya no pueden disfrutar de ese privilegio. Ademà ¡s, si la estancia sin permiso fue superior a seis meses, aplica el castigo o penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os. IAFIS. Busca en una gran base de datos del huellas dactilares del FBI, al que previamente autoridades policiales locales y estatales han enviado informacià ³n. Asà ­ se puede saber prà ¡cticamente al momento si el extranjero que desea entrar en Estados Unidos tiene un rà ©cord criminal y proceder a su detencià ³n o expulsià ³n. En la actualidad IAFIS alberga mà ¡s de 55 millones de expedientes, siendo la mayor base de datos del mundo de esta naturaleza. Otros sistemas a destacar dentro de TECS son IDENT y ENFORCE. Ademà ¡s, el oficial de la CBP puede incorporar informacià ³n nueva como su impresià ³n sobre el extranjero o el resultado de una pequeà ±a conversacià ³n: a quà © viene, por cuà ¡nto tiempo, dà ³nde se va a alojar, etc.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando el oficial de la CBP tiene acceso a la informacià ³n TECS? En la mayorà ­a de los casos tramitarà ¡ muy rà ¡pidamente la autorizacià ³n de la entrada del extranjero. En la actualidad mà ¡s de 900,000 personas pasan a diario por las fronteras americanas. En una media de 32,000 casos diarios serà ¡ necesario una segunda inspeccià ³n. De ellos, se calcula que a unos 15 se accederà ¡ a la informacià ³n de sus aparatos electrà ³nicos, como telà ©fonos, computadoras, cà ¡maras de fotos, tabletas, etc. Son casos muy extraordinarios y generalmente responde a asuntos relacionados con la seguridad nacional, terrorismo o delitos particularmente horrendos como la pornografà ­a infantil o narcotrà ¡fico. La gran mayorà ­a de las personas que deben pasar a una inspeccià ³n secundaria no tendrà ¡n ningà ºn problema y se les permitirà ¡ entrar tras un pequeà ±o retraso para comprobacià ³n de datos. Si bien es posible que en determinados casos a un extranjero se le autorice el ingreso pero se le de una citacià ³n para presentarse ante un juez de inmigracià ³n. Esto sà ³lo pasa si asà ­ lo decide el oficial de inmigracià ³n (no es un derecho del extranjero) y como requisito previo es necesario que tenga al menos una visa en vigor. Es decir, no aplica a las personas autorizadas a viajar sin visa, segà ºn el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados, que no van a ser enviadas a un juez si surgen problemas. Y finalmente a un total aproximado de 210,000 personas al aà ±o se les prohibe la entrada y son devueltas al lugar donde originà ³ su viaje. En estos casos dos situaciones pueden ocurrir: Que el oficial de inmigracià ³n permita una retirada de la peticià ³n de entrar, que es lo mà ¡s ventajoso.Que se ordene una expulsià ³n inmediata, con lo que el afectado tiene prohibido el regreso a a EEUU por cinco aà ±os. Ademà ¡s, su visa actual se ha cancelado. Y si se trata de una persona del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas ya no podrà ¡ viajar con la ESTA y necesitarà ¡ solicitar previamente a viajar una visa en el consulado. Hay que tener muy en cuenta que para que una persona extrajera pueda ingresar a Estados Unidos en todo momento tiene que reunir dos condiciones: ser elegible y ser inadmisible. Y es que tener una visa vigente o ser de un paà ­s que permite viajar sin visa no es suficiente. Estas son 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible y 20 que la convierten en inelegible. Estas razones tienes consecuencias en los consulados a la hora de aprobar una visa o su renovacià ³n y tambià ©n en los controles migratorios de Estados Unidos.  ¿Quà © hacer si siempre te envà ­an a inspeccià ³n secundaria, te hacen perder vuelos de enlace, crees que hay informacià ³n errà ³nea sobre ti en el sistema? El DHS tiene un sistema para poder comunicar esas quejas e intentar subsanar posibles errores. Lo que hay que entender es que los extranjeros no tienen un derecho a entrar en Estados Unidos, aunque tengan visa en vigor. Y, por lo tanto, no hay ninguna violacià ³n de un derecho que no existe. No se puede demandar, ya que no hay derecho que exigir. Sà ­ se puede intentar arreglar errores o dejar pasar el tiempo en caso de castigos por determinadas acciones. A tener en cuenta Es posible que una persona que nunca haya tenido ningà ºn problema para ingresar, un dà ­a se encuentre con que es parada y no se le permite. Eso puede deberse a que ciertos elementos pueden ser interpretados y analizados de manera distinta, segà ºn el oficial de inmigracià ³n que toque, por ejemplo,  ¿cà ³mo se determina si una persona tiene intencià ³n de quedarse dentro de EEUU? Un agente puede verlo de una manera y otro de otra. Pero tambià ©n es posible que simplemente se haya introducido en TECS un dato que hasta ese momento no figuraba. Puede ser reciente o viejo. Y una vez que le consta al oficial de la CBP determinadas actividades decide prohibir la entrada. Por otro lado, la frontera terrestre, especialmente con Mà ©xico- tambià ©n se protege con aparatos tecnolà ³gicos de à ºltima generacià ³n, aà ºn sin la construccià ³n del muro propuesto por el presidente Trump. Finalmente, tener presente que no sà ³lo la CBP tiene acceso a TECS sino mà ¡s agencias del gobierno estadounidense como NCIC y NLETS, e incluso se le permite al CPIC que es de Canadà ¡. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.