Thursday, September 3, 2020

Investigating General Motors Chevy Volt Project

Researching General Motors Chevy Volt Project What does the Chevy Volt case educate you regarding the idea of vital dynamic at an enormous complex association like GM? In a perplexing association, for example, GM, apparently choices concerning Chevy Volt venture were reached without giving careful arrangement cost to the arranging bunches in the organization. There was a great deal of thing that put the organization at stakes from an inappropriate key choice attempted. All parts of the task were done at the individual and emotional level. Take for instance the proposition introduced by Larry Burns and Bob Lutz concerning Chevy Volt to the top administration presents a missing connection of vital initiative that ought to have been a transformational power. However the miserable situation is that vital detailing and its usage additionally were completely undermined upon, which happened when the Chevy Volt idea vehicle was propelled. This shows administrative level capacity, their inclusion and authority were not community it might be said the extent that execution forms goes. Along with it, investor esteems and field-tested strategy likewise were not stressed upon when choices were made, which creates the impression that the duty joined with administrative job and their ability were totally underestimated that placed the organization in the limit of a bet and a joke. Clarify quickly the adjustments in the outer condition that made it great to embrace the Chevy Volt Project? As we identify with the given case, rising fuel costs, new natural guidelines, new contestant for green ideas vehicles and solid contenders give bountiful proof to the adjustments in the outside condition. There is some significance that microenvironments likewise were accentuated upon in setting of Porter five powers model and SWOT examination. Along these lines, the Chevy Volt venture can fundamentally cultivate the CSR of GM, which is positive. As a green idea vehicle, the Chevy Volt scores a point the extent that cost putting something aside for clients goes in setting of rising oil costs at that point. In any case, what is significant likewise can be exemplified in setting of manageable advancement process that the Chevy Volt can affect, let say constraining carbon gas outflow in the scenery of an unnatural weather change and nursery impact and in particular presents a more extensive financial pertinence and effect. What interior obstructions do you think existed inside GM that were ominous to the quest for the Chevy Volt venture? Cost factor likewise is one troublesome point that existed, given that GM have just contributed billion of dollars for the improvement of Lithium-Ion batteries, which didn't registers with the top administration. The pertinent reason for that likewise can be underscored in setting of the inner impediments at GM as can be seen in regard of top administration who were wary of Chevy Volt venture, particularly when the EV1 Hybrid model, a green idea electric vehicle that sudden spike in demand for regular power device presented by the organization path, thinking back to the 90s didn't succeed and was a sheer misfortune in term of asset and brand picture. Other than initiative in the organization likewise have it imperfections, and were not entirely included. In other words, procedure arranging, its plan and lifecycles that ensured the result of undertaking was a missing connections, which are the inward obstructions that are troublesome for the quest for Chevy Volt venture. The arrangement for the Chevy Volt is by all accounts dependent on the suspicion that oil costs would stay high, but then in late 2008, oil costs crumbled in the wake of a sharp worldwide financial stoppage: What does this enlighten you regarding the idea of key plans? Chevy Volt venture which is halfway founded on the suspicion of powers costs is somewhat doubtful. Plan expense in setting of rising oil costs, and condition manageability just doesn't as it were establish complete marketable strategy format. Outer condition examination, for example, the full scale and smaller scale monetary factors additionally ought to have been centered, so an elective arrangement format to grow new development for its benchmark vehicles model that sudden spike in demand for fuel and that which should meet the more tight guideline later on. However that was not the situation, which we feel set the imperfections in the idea of vital arrangement concerning Chevy Volt, and presents the vulnerability of such improvement course, which in the other case financial factor ought to have been given more accentuation for methodology, wherein monetary hypothesis of interest and flexibly additionally ought to have been gotten conflict in respect of choice and technique. How do falling oil costs influence the Chevy Volt venture? The Chevy Volt venture vital arrangement depended on factor that continued rising oil costs in dispute to showcase its electric vehicle model for productivity. That is consistent with some degree. However, purchasing a vehicle is long haul speculation for purchasers. That factor likewise ought to have been given due significance. Furthermore, venture made by GM in the Chevy Volt venture likewise presented immense cost factor. In business setting, Chevy Volt is less serious and cost previously caused for the task implies that the organization needs to bargain with its benchmark to encourage a beneficial result from circumstance of spiraling oil costs. Along these lines, falling oil costs can influence Chevy Volt venture as far as productivity straightforwardly from the offer of electric vehicles. In any case, such advertising ideas present numerous dangers and vulnerability, which in basic financial sense can be defended in setting of gracefully and request rule relevant to financial matters, be it at oil costs or the Chevy Volt vehicle models and its requests in circumstances when oil costs would stay high. Do you think oil costs will stay low? There is no motivation to imagine that oil costs will stay low, since it occurred in a circumstance when interest for the item was low in the market. Rising oil costs characterizes the straightforward financial premise of the law of interest, which relies upon showcase harmony for an item in affecting the swelling and flattening of specific item. In this manner, it is likely and in straightforward financial sense that once the interest for oil expands, costs additionally is likewise liable to flood as needs be. Other than there are no substitute item to the extent fuel goes and on account of Chevy Volt vehicles the case is something else, wherein substitute item can be accentuation in setting of inward burning motor vehicles which sulks rivals in an ideal circumstance to the extent vehicle model goes. a) What are the outer conditions that should be available for the Chevy Volt to be an effective vehicle? For the accomplishment of the Chevy Volt Project powerful showcasing procedure must be defined. Promoting viewpoints likewise ought to benefit from the inside and outside powers that impact the items inside the business and against its opponent for the serious factor. From our comprehension, the Chevy Volt is an innovative vehicle. Subsequently, outside examination from operational and business point of view should concentrate on the serious structure of the business and factors, for example, developments, financial, and ecological effect that characterizes esteem included item, and the pioneering cost that accompanies it. Hence, a great deal of advancement in the improvement procedure of the vehicle ought to be cultivated as one factor to benchmark against opponents and rivals in the business, which is basic for progress for a gainful result and objectives accomplishments. Some portion of it additionally should concentrate on the key promoting viewpoints that give the vehicle and its remarkable element to contact the individuals through ad and mindfulness made in such manner are interrelated and should be available for the Chevy Volt to be a fruitful vehicle. Given its long nearness in the market GM may not need competency and aptitudes, be that as it may, its key arranging and dynamic is smothered by solid obstruction from its administrators. This might be because of the intricacy of the association and coming about issues related with key dynamic. What might you propose for GM to settle on its key arranging and dynamic powerful and significant? To encourage successful key, it is prompted that GM administrators should consider the accompanying:- Reaction to the opposition that the market presented and requests. The board Responsibility in choice embraced. Information sharing as a reason for venture definition and viability. Cost factor examination. Collective initiative as a way to haggle against repetitive definition process. Get rid of abstract and preposterous thinking and choices. Transformational change must be started. The board and administrators inclusions in some random ventures. Field-tested strategy and design ought to be successfully characterized for any significant result and long haul impacts. Aside from these point and rundown of recommendation, we feel that vital gathering in the organization ought to be given sufficient hand to empanel for vital arrangement format, given that there are enormous stakes for some random endeavor. All things considered, key gathering are master board. However, choice being reached is pretty much abstract. Subsequently, a cooperative way to deal with the executives figuring, authority and system definition ought to be the center social premise in the organization, which can adequately and appropriately drive the key arranging and dynamic over the span of objectives accomplishments. Considering your examination, what are the expenses of disappointment in this task for GM? The expense of disappointment to the extent Chevy Volt vehicle concerns is immense and colossal, to the extent activity and financial results goes. Less inclusion from the administrators likewise brought to front the expense and its impact to straightforwardly hit the organization that carried it to the phase of all out shutdown of its activities. Since the organization is now in the limit of chapter 11, the Chevy Volt venture that neglected to affect the organization vital objectives and its accomplishments represented the all out impact of insolvency of GM and enormous financial outcomes as a result, on the grounds that the organization is as of now on the procedure of immense open d

Saturday, August 22, 2020

PINTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

PINTING - Essay Example The composition was made during the Dutch Golden Age. Its present area is Kunsthistorisches Museum, in Vienna. This sort of painting can be portrayed as oil on canvas. The elements of the work of art are 51 creeps by 43 inches or 130 centimeters by 110 centimeters. This composition was made after Vermeer finished chipping away at The Procuress painting. The organization just as the iconography applied while chipping away at the canvas makes it one of the unpredictable works by Vermeer. Such trademark make it one of the most renowned artistic creations by Vermeer. The work of art has been gone through ages since Vermeer kicked the bucket. Regardless of the way that the craftsman was owing debtors in any event, during the hour of his passing, he didn't offer it to settle such obligations. This shows the work of art had connection with the painter. To forestall its deal, Vermeer’s widow willed the artistic creation to her mom. In spite of the fact that it isn't clear who possessed the work of art during the eighteenth century, it was gained by Gerard van Swieten and later acquired by his child. Prior to 1860, the canvas was accepted to have been crafted by Pieter de Hooch who produced his own mark into the artistic creation to make it look authentic. The intercession of one of Vermeer’s researchers, Thore Burger, provoked the acknowledgment that the artistic creation was to be sure Vermeer’s own unique work. In 1940, Hitler purchased the artistic creation, which was later found toward the finish of the Second World War. From that point forward, the work of art had been in the ownership of Americans until it was introduced to Austria in 1946. It has stayed there to introduce day. The work of art, Painter in His Studio, depicts a painter painting a lady in a room that has all the earmarks of being his studio. The craftsman is situated on a stool taking a gander at the lady and concealing a canvas device. At the current point, the craftsman is painting the upper piece of her head. Then again, the female subject is

Friday, August 21, 2020

Development of Electronic Media in the Mauritius

Improvement of Electronic Media in the Mauritius Part 1 Presentation 1.0 Chapter Overview This initial part presents the investigation by looking at the foundation and verifiable point of view of the advancement of the Electronic media utilize worldwide and in Mauritius. The development of the wonder of electronic media fixation is presented, and afterward brought into center as it is influencing electronic media clients around the globe, including Mauritius. Next, the points and goals of study and the exploration questions are recognized. The part closes with the examination questions and the extent of the investigation. 1.1 Background of the investigation As indicated by Huesmann (2007) electronic media has become a typical design today, particularly among understudies. One of the most exceptional changes in our general public in the twentieth century and 21st hundreds of years has been the immersion of our way of life and everyday lives by the electronic media. In this new age radio, TV, motion pictures, recordings games, video, mobile phones, and PC systems have took on head jobs in our children’s day by day lives. Electronic media improve the general information by giving us with data all around the globe. News transmit through various electronic media make it simpler for us think about the everyday occasions on the planet. News, teleã‚â ­films and narratives rotating around social issues improve a social discernment in youngsters and increment their anxiety towards cultural condition. Electronic media additionally add to the improvement of our language, information and jargon. It is presently a general truth that T.V an d different methods for electronic media is a solid wellspring of giving data as well as instruct and fulfill the majority. Jennifer (2008) and Azeez et al. (2014) have discovered that examination has demonstrated that TV has had either positive or negative effects. Electronic media can be depicted as those correspondence which depends on innovation or electromechanical methods for creation and regularly separated from print media Berkowitz and Rawlings (1963), Azeez et al (2014). The primary electronic sources utilized by open typically contain TV, radio, sound chronicles, video accounts and web. It very well may be discovered that there are four fundamental elements of electronic media which for the most part incorporate to educate, fulfill, instruct and generally essential to impact popular sentiment (understudies). They likewise expressed that the twentieth century is vigorously affected by correspondence innovation. Films showed up on scene in the primary decade of this century. The radio station started in 1920s while TV entered on the planet in 1940s, trailed by digital TV in 1950s, and satellite TV in 1970s. Ultimately the PC offered access to web in 1980s. It changed the interconnected PC arranges through World Wide Web by 1990s. Numerous advantages are associated with electronic media use, such access to required data, global access to news and occasions, and relational correspondence through email. However, alongside the exceptional development of the electronic media, there has been expanding concern globally about the risks related with electronic media over-use and getting dependent on it (Buchholz, 2009; Daily News, 2008, 2009; Fackler, 2008; Janta, 2008; Khaosod, 2007; The Associated Press, 2009; Wanajak, 2011). A potential danger of utilizing these new types of media innovation is additionally starting to show up. Larger part understudies are getting excessively dependent on it and is affecting their scholarly exhibition, cyberbullying, sexting, getting forceful, turning out to be survivors of animosity, lacking rest and poor rest quality among understudies, and medical issue, for example, influencing generally diet quality. Uncommonly, expanding quantities of teenagers are turning out to be survivors of hostility submitted by peers with this new innovation as refered to in David-Ferdon and Hertz (2007). Models involve youths making Web locales or sending email or instant messages that are intended to embarrass or bug a friend or potentially to compromise physical damage called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can be characterized as harassing that happens utilizing electronic innovation which contains gadgets and things, for example, cell phones, PCs, and tablets just as correspondence instruments containing online networking destinations, instant messages, talk, and sites. Instances of cyberbullying contain messages or mean instant messages, bits of gossip sent by email or posted on interpersonal interaction locales, and mortifying pictures, cuts, web destinations, or sham records. In addition, concurring Mr Ismael Bawamea a â€Å"enqueteur du bureau† at the Ombudsperson for Children Office in Mauritius, these guilty parties as a rule use SMS, email, visit rooms and Faceboo k and long range interpersonal communication destinations to spread their message. â€Å"Parents think they are watching their youngsters adequately on the web, however as indicated by an ICSF study, which is done in Mauritius, it has been discovered that under 10% of guardians observed the websites,† says Mr Ismael Bawamea. â€Å"Without the important measure to guarantee youngster security on the web, kids in Mauritius face huge dangers†, he demonstrated (Defi News, 2011). Specialist has gathered over the past 50 years that presentation to viciousness on TV, motion pictures, and, most as of late, in computer games develops the danger of freak conduct. As per the specialists, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); a most recent examination exhibits that the normal 8-multi year old kid goes through roughly eight hours daily utilizing various types of electronic advancements, and more seasoned kids and adolescents go through over 11 hours out of each day. Youngsters and adolescents who have a Television in their room invest more energy with electronic media. Comparing, the present measure of clients for cell phones, content informing, email, and visit rooms by our young people have opened new scenes for social collaboration in which hostility can occur and teenagers can be misled (Huesmann, 2007). Consequently, Mauritian understudies are additionally confronting a considerable lot of the marvelous issues because of electronic media. With the coming innovation, everybody have a PC and a Smartphone and with the regular day to day existence, the two guardians work these days and pre-adult need more time to talk with their folks. After school, the adolescents go to their rooms, and begin surfing, sitting in front of the TV for extended periods or in any event, tuning in to music through their mobiles, on their PCs, on radio. Additionally, they even eat in their rooms and continue sitting before their screen. Interestingly, they will want to converse with an outsider through web based life as opposed to going out and talk with their companions. As indicated by ongoing ICT markers for Mauritius, an expediently expanding number of families and adolescents are utilizing the Internet; the quantity of Internet endorsers toward the finish of 2010 was 284,200 and the quantity of portable cell supporters was 1,190,900 out of 2010 (Defi News, 2011). Henceforward, as expressed in Alexa’s Statistics, Facebook can be viewed as the main site visited by Mauritian residents as appeared in the table underneath. Surely, there were 159,480 Mauritians on Facebook as at thirteenth January 2010 as revealed by the commercial program accessible on the system. Person to person communication Site OR Social Networking Service (SNS) Positioning Facebook first YouTube fifth Labeled 24th Twitter 39th Badoo 42nd Hi5 51st Photobucket 54th Flickr 64th LinkedIn 68th MySpace 85th Table 1: Alexa’s Ranking of SNS visited by Mauritians in top 100 sites1 1.2 Problem articulations A transformation in broadcast communications has incredibly changed correspondence by giving new media so as to approach significant distance correspondence in the most recent years. The principal transoceanic two-way radio station occurred in 1906 and drove the best approach to common transmission by means of simple and computerized media. The new correspondence media currently license for significant distance trades between higher quantities of populaces. Electronic media is valuing a wide utilize each day with an ascent in innovation gadgets being made. Innovation has become a period squandering act that diverts youth from discussing by and by with mates and family through eye to eye correspondence. Electronic media presently comes in the structures PCs, tablets, work areas, cell phones (containing new applications, for example, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, WeChat and some more), mp3/mp4 players, computer games, motion pictures, radios, and TV. Electronic has shown to reco rd highs inside the last time, along these lines adjusting the dynamic of correspondence. Electronic media, as it is known in various globe, has modified with time. Young people and innovation seem to have a decent relationship for one another. Both are youthful, continuing quickly, and ever adjusting. During the most recent 20 years there has been an abrupt increment in new innovation (David-Ferdon and Hertz, 2011). In the more seasoned ages youngsters promptly acknowledged new advancements for instance TVs, record and tape players, PCs, and VCRs, yet the new ages have watched a virtual fast increment in new innovation, including cell phones, iPads, iPods, Mp3/mp4 players, and individual computerized associates. This new innovation has been anxiously acknowledged by young people and has caused to an extended jargon, which contain texting (â€Å"IMing†), blogging, and message informing. Present day innovation has numerous social and instructive advantages. In an article (Anon 2010) was expressed that with the rise of web as the worldwide media, instruction has advanced to an enormous degree. These days it is discovered that separation training programs are brought out through online media which has end up being a significant bit of leeway to individuals who only from time to time get the opportunity to have intelligent classes. There are numerous TV programs that bestow information on various features of training comprisin

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Deductive Essay Writing Help

Deductive Essay Writing Help Deductive Essay Writing Help An Essay as a Sample of Perfect Writing Deductive essays have been created in order to evaluate the level of knowledge that the students possess. This essay looks at the concept of a given set of circumstances and how a student might deduce reasonable assumptions from them. Therefore, the assumption is that a student can solve a puzzle or a riddle, provided that they have enough information. This type of essay is based on the skill of deductive reasoning the ability to take a premise or a basic fact and draw from it a number of distinct conclusions. The ability to demonstrate   evidence of this and summarize results by coming up with a specific conclusion is also required. A solid essay is one that is easy to read and understand, and one that leads to an evidential conclusion. High Quality Custom Made Deductive and Inductive Essays In order to grade the many different types of essays, like personal essays, a number of universities and colleges are now putting forward   specific rubrics that must be followed. These rubrics will determine both how the paper is graded, how adequately the content of the paper is being addressed and how well were the provided instructions followed through. To meet all of these demands, a high degree of writing skill and proficiency is required. At our custom writing agency, all of our writers hold postgraduate degrees at masters and doctorate levels. As such, they are well-versed and proficient in carrying out academic assignments of this nature. This means that students can rest assured that their paper is being addressed in accordance with the highest level of academic requirements. Deductive Essay Examples You may contact our custom writing agency to see samples and examples of various topics. In addition, similar information can be obtained online with the help of a search engine. You can count on our custom writing agency to help you with your deductive essay papers. Considering   the fact that the nature of these papers is highly analytical, and that they require a considerable degree of research, students often seek professional help. Our postgraduate writers will gladly work with you in order to compose a paper that meets your precise and specific requirements. Moreover, our professional administrative support team will answer any relevant questions you have on the matter. Should you need any clarifications or specific help in getting started with your essay paper, they can handle it all. We are highly committed to providing   you with an academic writing service of the highest quality. Your specific requirements and instructions are always held at highest regard, which is why our customers always find a reason to come back.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Medieval Torture - 2184 Words

Torture (Latin torquere, â€Å"to twist†), in law, infliction of severe bodily pain either as punishment, or to compel a person to confess to a crime, or to give evidence in a judicial proceeding. Among primitive peoples, torture has been used as a means of ordeal and to punish captured enemies. Examination by torture, often called the â€Å"question,† has been used in many countries as a judicial method. It involves using instruments to extort evidence from unwilling witnesses. In ancient Athens, slaves were always examined by torture, and for this reason their evidence was apparently considered more valuable than that of freemen. A free Athenian could not be examined by this method, but torture may have been used occasionally in executing†¦show more content†¦It was last used in England in 1640 to compel a confession of treason. By the middle of the 18th century legal torture was abolished in France, Prussia, Saxony (Sachsen), Austria, and Switzerland. Under a papal bull issued in 1816 the use of torture was banned in Roman Catholic countries. Torture in Europe through the Ages The history of torture in Europe may seem at first to be a steady progression of barbarous tactics, leading from one social purge to the next, but this is not completely the case. Torture has been used in a progression from primitive methods to the present more modern styles. It has also developed extensively, both in severity and variety of methods used. But in the end, torture has gone full circle; modern forms of torture are more like those methods used by savages than anything in between. Overall, the severity of torture has fluctuated, growing and receding with the passing of each new time period, but eventually reverting to its original state. There are several varieties of tortures in general. Until the twentieth century, most forms of torture that were recognized as such were purely physical in nature. The breaking of bones, manipulation or mutilation of a persons body, and the application of flames or other implements of punishment were the main forms of recognized torture. The Wheel was aShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Punishments of the Medieval era1244 Words   |  5 PagesThe Punishments of the Medieval Era When Shakespeare was born in 1564, Queen Elizabeth had taken power a mere 6 years prior, and her justice system was very different from ours. In this paper, I hope to explore some of the ways punishments were different, such as how many crimes had individual punishments, often times depending on how severe the crime was. I will also go in-depth to one of the most infamous cases of the medieval period. Imprisonment was very rare. If you were in jailRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Torture1457 Words   |  6 PagesSamantha Howe YCCC English 101 10/30/17 Essay #2 Second Draft Once Upon a Torture When one thinks of torture, what is imagined? Perhaps they think of those wooden machines in the museums that they cannot even comprehend the use for, or the iron maiden, a cinematic favorite. Or perhaps they don’t think of anything specific like that, for it isn’t a question often presented. Torture, regardless, is a gruesome term with gruesome connotations. In our progressive society of modern technology, it isRead MoreTorture As An Effective Way For A True Information1600 Words   |  7 Pagespreviously mentioned, torture has traditionally been cited as a way to successfully extract information and strategic intelligence and this definition has constantly been used by governments to justify its use. However as outlined by Heather Whipps, â€Å"from the dingy dungeons of the Dark Ages to todays use torture used against terrorists, the use of torture as an interrogation tactic has evolved little and possibly yielded even less, in terms of intelligence.† (Whipps , 2007) During the Medieval period of historyRead MoreTorture Has Been Practiced Throughout History1685 Words   |  7 PagesTorture has been practiced throughout history. â€Å"Torture is any act that intentionally inflicts severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, when executed to serve a stated purpose other than punishment, such as gathering intelligence information or intimidating government dissenters†(â€Å"Torture†). Many cultures throughout history, such as the Romans, Jews, Egyptians, and many more have used torture as part of their justice and law system. One of the Roman’s torturing methods was crucifixionRead MoreEssay about Torture Against Human Rights1310 Words   |  6 PagesTorture Against Human Rights Iain Banks once stated on the topic of torture, â€Å"torture is such a slippery slope; as soon you allow a society or any legal system to do that, almost instantly you get a situation where people are being tortured for very trivial reasons† (goodreads). When used in the appropriate way, torture can be very effective; however, it is often taken advantage of and is never acceptable. It has shown in the past that once a country has been accused of using torture, all credibilityRead MoreThe Truth about Torture and Enhanced Interrogations1577 Words   |  7 PagesThe Truth about Torture and Enhanced Interrogations Beaten, broken, burned, bruised, tortured. Torture is defined as a â€Å"deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical and mental suffering by one or more persons acting alone or on the orders of an authority to force another person to yield information, make a confession, etc† (Torture). Throughout history, torture has been used for extreme punishment or unreasonably hateful oppression but more recently torture has been used to force theRead MoreThe Effects Of Torture On The Society Of Modern Technology1489 Words   |  6 PagesWhen one thinks of torture, what is imagined? Perhaps they think of those wooden machines in the museums that they cannot even comprehend the use for, or the iron maiden, a cinematic favorite. Perhaps they don’t think of anything specific like that at all, for it isn’t a question often presented. Torture, regardless, is a gruesome term with gruesome connotations. In our progressive society of modern technology, it is thankful ly an issue of the past. Or†¦ is it? It’s not, we know it isn’t. As a societyRead MoreTorture Is Not Necessary?843 Words   |  4 PagesTorture can be defined as, the action of purposely inflicting physical or psychological pain on another individual in order to get information out of them. Although many may argue that torture isn’t necessary, it is necessary because by torturing we are able to save thousands of innocent lives. Torture has been around since ancient times; however, during ancient times it was much more violent than it is today. During ancient times they had torturing methods such as crucifixion, which was theRead MoreHistorical Methods of Torture and Execution Essay907 Words   |  4 PagesHistorical Methods of Torture and Execution Europe is the place to visit if this is what youre into. Many cities and towns have medieval torture museums. We liked one that we visited at Mont St. Michel in France. For those of you who cant afford to travel, check out the movie version of Edgar Allen Poes The Pit and the Pendulum starring Lance Henrickson. Dont know how historically accurate it is, but its great atmospherically. Beheading byRead MoreThe Formicarius ( Ant Hill ) Of Johannes Nider1230 Words   |  5 Pages(Levack, 2013) Nider also received testimony from a man from the Bernese territory who went by the name of Peter, a Benedictine monk, and an inquisitor from the convent at Lyons. Nider states that the judge from Bern told him stories about the torture of alleged witches and the confessions that some of them made at their trials, as well as details from various trials that presided over. Peter told Nider stories of when he not only drove suspected witches out of Bernese, but also of when he burned

Backpacking Essay Example For Students

Backpacking Essay Have you ever been fed up with the stress and noise of city life? Do you likespending time outdoors? You are not alone. Every year thousands of people headto the nearby Appalachian trail to get away and spend some quality timeoutdoors. Backpacking is, at least, an interesting way to spend time outdoors. By keeping all their gear in a backpack, campers can travel distances with ease. The following will identify and explain the techniques and equipment used forbackpacking on the Appalachian Trail. The Appalachian Trail, or A.T. as it isknown to backpackers, is a foot trail that runs from Springer Mt., Georgia toMount Katahdin in Maine. (Curran, 7) Running through the Appalachian Mountains,the trail allows packers to encounter wooded landscape with a variety ofterrain, temperatures, and weather conditions. In practice, the Trail isusually a simple footpath, purposeful in direction and concept, favoring theheights of land and loaded for minimum reliance on construction for protectingthe resource. The body of the trail is provided by the lands it traverses, andits soul is the living stewardship of the volunteers and workers of theAppalachian Trail community. (definition of the Appalachian Trail, fromAppalachian Trail Management Principals.)(Curran, 7)Because the trail is over2,100 miles long, it becomes very difficult for a packer to hike the entiretrail. Each year a bout 5,000 people attempt to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. Of these 5,000 it is estimated that less than 300 accomplish their goal. (Curran, 8) Many other packers enjoy weekend or short trips and hike the trailin pieces. Either way, backpacking is extremely challenging and enjoyable. Hiking on the Appalachian Trail requires its own kind of equipment, unique tobackpacking. Campers must have a sturdy reliable backpack to carry theirequipment. (Drury 37) Backpacks are generally supported by a combination ofstraps around the shoulders and hips. Packs usually come in two styles: externalframe and internal frame. (Gorman,1) An external frame pack is an excellentchoice in a backpack for many reasons. An external pack is easy to load andorganize because of the large panel that opens for easy access. (Gorman, 1)External packs often have large pockets or compartments so that the backpackercan quickly find a specific piece of equipment. (Howe 94-95) Another quality ofthe external frame packs is that air circulates between the campers back andthe packbag, keeping them cool in the hot summer months. (Golman,2) Perhaps bestof all, they dont drag hikers down when carrying a heavy load. Because externalframe packs have a higher center of gravity, they allow hiking in a more upri ghtstance. (Gorman, 2) For a pack that typically costs less than half an equivalentinternal, these features are noteworthy. Internal frames are built with lighterloads in mind. They are supported by stiff aluminum poles inside the packbag. (Gorman 2) All of the campers gear is stored inside the pack as well becausethere are no outer poles to strap equipment to. Internal frame packs carry theweight lower than externals, and closer to the back. The result is a pack thathas much better balance, ideal for off-trail hikers, but not too important for awell groomed trail like the A.T. (Drury 41) Select an internal orexternal frame pack based upon the outdoor activities you normally do andconsider that external frame packs are generally less expensive. (Drury43) Another essential piece of equipment for the backpacker is shelter. (Drury,56) Although some lightweight enthusiasts prefer a simple rain-fly or tarp, bugscan often be a problem. A tent is usually a good solution. There are many typesof tents to choose from. One reliable type of tent is the seventies styleA-Frame. (Drury, 57) The A-Frame is a triangle shaped tent thatworks well at keeping the weather out. (Wallace 41) The dome tent is becomingmore popular because it h as more space with less weight. Dome tents usefiberglass poles for support so they are strong, reliable and light. Dome tentskeep rain out well but do not always hold up in very high winds. (Wallace 42)Whichever tent is chosen, some common features are necessary. Most tentstoday are designed with a bathtub floor, breathable walls, and a waterproofrainfly. (Drury 56) First campers must find a tent with abathtub bottom. This is sturdy waterproof nylon that covers thebottom and 6 to 16 inches of the tent wall. (Drury 56) This design eliminatesthe need for a ground cloth, thus cutting back on weight. Another importantfeature is the breathable walls. Breathable fabric should prevent condensation,keeping moisture from collecting and getting the camper wet anyway. Finally,tents should be topped with a rainfly. Rainflies enhance ventilation and makesure that the tent is waterproof. (Drury 56) One of the most basic and essentialpieces of equipment is clothing. Clothes are selected based on c omfort,protection, and layering. (Wallace 21) Comfortable clothes are defined as thosethat will keep the body cool in warm weather but warm in cold weather. Clothesshould be selected for the expected temperatures. Clothing quality is veryimportant to backpackers. With the limited wardrobe backpackers have, qualityapparel that is rugged and durable is well worth the money. (Wallace 21) Thesynthetic fabric of recent years has performed well by providing betterinsulation, waterproofing and durability than traditional fabrics. (Wallace21-22) No matter what clothes that campers wear it is essential for them to wearlayers. The more layers worn, the warmer the body. Fewer layers are worn to staycool. (Wallace 23) Layering traps heat that the body produces and keeps it therein air pockets. Layering also keeps packers dry and comfortable. (Wallace 23) Byremoving inner layers perspiration is removed so that the skin stays dry. At thebeginning of the day packers shed layers as it gets warmer. Near eveninghowever, it begins to get cooler and the layers are soon replaced. Rain gear isalways an essential item. No matter what the weather forecast says, nomatter the season, no matter the climate: The only thing that will absolutely,positively guarantee that no rain falls on you during your trip is your raingear(Wallace 23) A sturdy pair of boots are also very important for atrail like the A.T. (Wallace 25) Boots should be flexible on top but stiff inthe sole to prevent feet from twisting. Food is another of the most important,troublesome, and desired items that packers must worry about. On the trail everyounce counts, and most common foods are simply too heavy to haul through themountains on our backs. (Drury 78) Also food must be easy to prepare and be ableto last without a refrigerator. Dehydrated and freeze dried foods do a good jobfulfilling these requirements but their taste leaves something to be desired. .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd , .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .postImageUrl , .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd , .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd:hover , .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd:visited , .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd:active { border:0!important; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd:active , .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud86ec34b165cf5d2223affcbaf55f9dd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parent EssaySome people make rice or soup or other naturally long lasting, light, easy toprepare dishes that can be found in the grocery store. Most parts of the A.T. have banned camp fires so a portable stove is a useful item to have. Stoves can be distinguished by the gas that they burn. White gas,kerosene, unleaded gasoline, alcohol, solid/jellied fuels, butane, propane andisobutane are the most common types of fuels that you will find (Drury 62)The weight of the stove and the fuel should be kept in mind, however. (Wallace58-59) Even with all the right gear there is still much more to backpacking. Walking with a 30 to 40 pound pack is like learning how to walk all over again. A slower pace is required to prevent injury. Backpackers should try to walk withan easy stride, establishing a smooth rhythm. (Wallace 49) When walking uphill ashorter stride is better, opening up the stride when traveling downhill. (McManners136) It is very important to take breaks regularly on the trail. The suggestedincrement is a 5-10 minute break every 45 minutes of hiking. (Wallace 50) Breaksallow the packer to relax, look around and really take a good view of thescenery. Wallace contributes Hiking with your eyes on the trail will getyou places, but unless you stop and look around, you wont see where youvebeen (Wallace 50) The Appalachian Trail is indeed great for backpackersfor various reasons. The Appalachian Trail offers possibilities; who knows whatwill be around the next turn? It provides an opportunity to test oneselfphysically. The trail is a much needed break away from civilized life withmagnificent views padded in along the way. Most importantly though, the trail isa p ath into oneself, a place to think, and to figure out ones place in theworld. (Wallace 9) Understanding the equipment and techniques needed to hike theAppalachian Trail will result in a rewarding trip for anyone who takes up thechallenge of backpacking. BibliographyCurran, Jan. The Appalachian Trail: A Journey of Discovery. RainbowBooks,1991 Drury, Jack, etal. The Campers Guide to Outdoor Pursuits. SagamorePublishing 1997 Hodtetter, Kristin, etal. If it aint broke. May 1998. Online. Backpacker. www.SIRS/ Howe, Steve. AllTerrain Packing. Backpacker. October 1998:94-95 McManners, Hugh . TheComplete Wilderness Training Book . NewYork: Dorling Kindersly, 1994 Walker,Celeste. Take A Hike! . April 1997. Online. Worldhealth Organization. www.Sirs/, Joseph. The Backpackers Companion. Smithwork. 1992Sports and Games